Dungeness crab. Catch yourself a delicious dungeness crab while on one of our fishing adventures in Sitka, Alaska. And have that crab cooked for you on the same day by our amazing chef. Dungeness crabbing will be available for all fishing package guests during the May fishing specials and the early June fishing deals. It's not like what you would see on the Deadliest Catch. Actually, it's the opposite. We will take you back into a beautiful bay where the water is typically always glass calm. It's fun. And it's delicious!

Halibut. There is no change from 2018 for the charter halibut sport fishing regulations in Area 2C (that's us). You will be able to keep 1 halibut per day, under 38 inches (~25 lbs) or over 80 inches (~275 lbs). So far, there is not really any big changes in the regulations. You can read the full 2019 sport fishing regulations now. Silver salmon is still 6 per person per day. Black cod is still 4 per person per day (8 annual). Retention of nonpelagic rockfish (Yelloweye & Shortraker rockfish) is probibited from July 25-August 31.

King salmon. As always, this will be established by emergency order by the department of Alaska Fish & Game. Nothing yet, but we should know this month. Sounds like it will be about the same as last year. We will keep you updated.

September fishing. The only regret from 2018 is not fishing the first 15 days of September. The ocean weather conditions was the best during this time. And sunny! Oh, and the fishing was good-great. As of right now, we are only advertising for the first 5 days of September. But if you have a group interested in a fishing trip anytime in the first 2 weeks of September, let's talk. Silver salmon, halibut & rockfish should be expected at this time. Who knows, we might even catch a blue shark!

Room updates. The old carpet in all the rooms was ripped out this off-season and replaced with hardwood floors. It really lightens up the room. Let us know what you think!

New reels. For the past 5 years, we have using the Shimano Tekota 600 line counter reels for salmon fishing. For the most part, they have worked great. Well... Shimano just came out with a new Tekota A series. From Shimano's website: "Fully redesigned... Vast improvements including coreprotect water resist to increase corrosion resistance and new ergonomic s-compact body design." From the specs online, big improvements in the line retrieve per crank and gear ratio have been made. We have several on the way and can't wait to put them to the test.
Deckhands returning. We are thrilled that both of our deckhands (Caleb Suarez & Dayton Cropper) will be returning for the 2019 season. Caleb recently passed the U.S.C.G. captain's exam!

New puppy. We recently had a new addition to the family! Her name is Belle.
