The morning boat ride out to the fishing grounds is all about anticipation and excitement. Months and sometimes years have gone into planning this special Alaska Fishing Trip and the adventure starts now. The ride out to the fishing grounds can take anywhere from 30 minutes - 75 minutes depending on the ocean conditions and where "the bite" was happening the day before.

Where are we starting at today, Captain? I want to make sure we get out for some halibut today!? Are we going to see a bear on the way out? What's that boat fishing for? Is that a trawler?

Our captains can sense the eagerness in the air. He is eager too, he wants put these guys/gals on some fish.

Some days the sun shines, the skies clear, and ocean is like glass. The natural beauty of Sitka and the calmness of the ocean distracts us all. Humpback whales fluke as guests scramble for their cameras.

Other days are quite the opposite of clear and calm. Overcast, rainy, windy, and the ocean is pretty choppy. All the elements are working against us. This is the challenging part of the captain's job that they all enjoy, trying to make the best out of a bad day.

We love everything about charter fishing in Sitka, and the morning boat ride out to the fishing grounds is just one of the reasons why.